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Tus archivos, en cualquier lugar.
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Descripción general de precios de Dropbox

Planes de precios de Dropbox
Plan gratuito
Dropbox tiene 5 planes de precios, desde $5 hasta $0.00. También está disponible una prueba gratuita de Dropbox. Mire los diferentes planes de precios a continuación y vea qué nivel y funciones se adaptan a su presupuesto y necesidades.
Plan gratuito
/ mes
/ mes
/ mes
La información de precios de Dropbox la proporciona el proveedor de software o se obtiene de materiales de precios de acceso público. Los detalles de precios se actualizaron por última vez el 18 de febrero de 2024 desde el sitio web del proveedor y pueden ser diferentes de los reales. Confirme con el sitio web del proveedor antes de comprar.

Reseñas de precios de Dropbox

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
18 de diciembre de 2023
Clasificación general:
Chaze P. avatar
Chaze P.
Gerente de participación de veteranos del sur de Indiana
"Por qué Dropbox ofrece precios adecuados para mis necesidades de almacenamiento"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Dropbox?

As someone who values simplicity and transparency in service subscriptions, I've been particularly impressed by Dropbox's approach to pricing based on storage space. Here's why I think Dropbox hits the sweet spot with their pricing model: **Affordability for Every Level of Need** One of the standout features of Dropbox is how their pricing tiers are structured to suit different needs. Whether you're an individual looking to back up your personal files or a business with extensive storage requirements, Dropbox has an option that feels tailored to your situation without breaking the bank. **Pay for What You Use** What I like best about Dropbox's pricing is that it feels fair. There's no sense of paying for extras I don't need or use. The ability to choose a plan based on the amount of storage I actually need means I'm not subsidizing heavy users or paying for unnecessary frills. **Predictability is Key** With Dropbox, there are no hidden fees or surprises. The pricing is upfront, and you know what you're going to get and how much it's going to cost you each month or year. This predictability makes budgeting for cloud storage a hassle-free experience. **Scalability at Its Best** As my storage needs grow, I appreciate that Dropbox allows me to easily scale up my plan. The seamless transition between different plans means that as my requirements change, so too can my Dropbox account, often with just a few clicks. **Conclusion:** Dropbox may be just one of many cloud storage options out there, but for me, its value shines through its cost-effective pricing strategy. By aligning the storage space with the price and allowing users to select what best fits their needs, Dropbox demonstrates a keen understanding of customer-centric service. It's one of many reasons I'm a happy Dropbox user, but it's certainly at the top of my list!

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Dropbox?

Nothing to note regarding this product at this time.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Dropbox y en qué te beneficia eso?

Keeping my files in a great location with easy access.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
08 de jul, 2021
Clasificación general:
Ankit J.
Jefe de Operaciones
"Altamente recomendado"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Dropbox?

Highly recommended dropbox first its user friendly, you get options to use it on your phone as app, web version also an os based application for your laptop or pc. with few clicks you can create folders uploads ll your files music, photos, document and keep it safe. Also, you have options to secure the vault in dropbox to keep your files away from access from others. I have been using dropbox since 2011, and honestly, it getting better day by day. You can share create links from dropbox itself. You can use dropbox to work offline

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Dropbox?

The Reason its bad is only the technical terms wherein due to the nature of dropbox, the security team dont have options to view the logs, and in case any data is breached, there is no option to know who accessed it . Another issue is there is a limited search functionality also sometimes price-wise, it might be costly for some users but yes, the dropbox should give corporate discounts or benefits like other cloud storage services wherein if you link your official email, you get extra storage for a year or so which is technically considered discount

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Dropbox y en qué te beneficia eso?

Personally, dropbox solved a lot of issues for me I got a huge set of data which includes travel pics, music, research papers, my study material, and keeping all this info on a physical drive its not possible for me. With drop post uploading the data, i can access it everywhere online, offline while traveling or simply if i want to upload more, i can. Dropbox kept my life easier since 2011

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
24 de diciembre de 2019
Clasificación general:
avatar de tom t.
tom t
Director Técnico
"La mejor opción para compartir archivos empresariales"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Dropbox?

Dropbox has an easy to use interface, that makes sharing files quick and easy. The ability to view file revision history, create custom links, and restrict audiences makes Dropbox the obvious choice for sharing files. The uploader is quick and generally reliable, the preview tool makes sharing files quicker and easier, and we rarely have issues delivering files to clients and business partners.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Dropbox?

The Dropbox billing structure is unusual. Some features that are very important to businesses are restricted on the lower tariffs. Despite spending £100+ a year with dropbox, some things like access restrictions are not available without upgrading to a more expensive tariff. Perhaps this is down to the fact that Dropbox gives away too much for free, and feels the need to recoup those costs by encouraging customers onto the most expensive plans. This isn't enough for me to warrant moving to a more expensive plan, but it is enough to annoy me sufficiently as to knock a star or two off my rating. The syncing app is really inflexible. It's probably the worst feature about dropbox. Sometimes you just want to sync 1 folder of dropbox, like if you're using dropbox to backup some important Sage files, or a documents directory. However it's too difficult and long winded to do this, and always ends up syncing everything. It means I cannot use dropbox on users computers without fearing the security of other files uploaded. The sync tool needs a lot of work.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Dropbox y en qué te beneficia eso?

Dropbox is the quickest way to share files. The biggest benefit to us is the revision history. When working on files that are changing often, the ability to quickly review previous revisions allows you a little more comfort when overwriting files. The ability to recover deleted files just leaves you feeling a little bit safer. These features, on top of the normal file sharing features you'd expect with any online drive service, are what makes Dropbox feel like the safest solution. Dropbox makes me feel like my company data is in the right hands. Our accounts have always remained secure and it feels as though Dropbox is very hot on security and protecting customer accounts. Dropbox makes me feel secure in the business.

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
04 de mayo de 2021
Clasificación general:
Jason H.
Diseñador web
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Dropbox?

Dropbox syncing is one of the best out there compared to all the rest. Sometimes the other competitors have sync issues and has duplicates, etc., but Dropbox doesn't seem to have that issue as often.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Dropbox?

As much as I like Dropbox, their pricing has become higher than what I feel comfortable paying when I know there are cheaper alternatives, especially when you can buy a lifetime plan from pCloud and not have to pay high monthly fees. One of the reasons, I believe, they have increased the price (and I assume it'll keep going up) is that they keep adding "features" and gimmicks to their service. For example, turning their sync app into a fully featured application that acts more like their website than just a syncing app (if I want that, I can just, I don't know, go to their website!). Then there are their other "apps" like Transfer, Paper, HelloSign and Passwords. These are all apps that you're paying for when you subscribe to Dropbox, whether you use them or not. I believe it's only going to get worse just so that they can keep increasing the price. I guess now that they are public, they think they have to keep impressing their IPO instead of their customers. If they offered a "just a folder sync" plan for a cheaper price (or at least their old price) I'd consider becoming a paying customer again. For now, I'll stick to pCloud.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Dropbox y en qué te beneficia eso?

Syncing my documents and working folder across multiple computers/laptops.

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
13 de diciembre de 2017
Clasificación general:
Leslie P.
Jefe de ventas
"Buena actividad con este software."
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Dropbox?

Drobpox is a very attractive software that manages to store large quantities of files at once, organized in different or equal folders, it is a very simple program to use and it shows many advances. What I like most about this software is the referral program that it has, since through the invitation and registration of people, they will give you free of charge an additional storage space that they provide you for free and the one you are paying for. I also really like its design in the interface, because with the colors it has, it attracts a lot of attention and concentrates a lot when doing a job.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Dropbox?

Dropbox is a very complete and almost perfect program that, together with all its features, makes it a program with a lot of value and even makes it a very interactive program with the user and one that is more concerned with the stability of its customers. Being a very well valued program, they have exceeded the prices that they offer their clients, so that the plans and the benefits that each one brings, does not have a good comparison with the prices, since they are very high and They do not provide many benefits.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Dropbox y en qué te beneficia eso?

This software has greatly benefited my company because I have managed to establish a very good platform where I can store large amounts of files without any limitation, I have been able to store very important and qualified files of my company safely and quickly with access whenever I want .

Pequeñas empresas (50 o menos emp.)
Apr 25, 2019
Clasificación general:
Revisor verificado
"Un mal necesario para un estudio basado en el cliente, pero nada intuitivo."
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Dropbox?

Dropbox is a known name in the industry and many of our customers use it on their devices (along with Box, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc). On top of that, Dropbox's integration with other applications is very impressive.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Dropbox?

On more than a half dozen occasions, Dropbox has arbitrarily updated the entire directory of files on a connected machine. That means more than 5TB of data from our Dropbox is being synced at any given time which has created multiple problems for our team. The first example is when we are traveling and the drive is needing to be 're-synced'. We've got no access to the files from the show floor or hotel rooms until the full drive sync is complete. We've had to start carrying around a local 1TB SSD with all our working files on them which eliminates one of the key uses of Dropbox (everyone having access to the same files). Second, we've been in offices and with clients with capped data plans and we've been responsible for over $150 in fees for having Dropbox syncing during a meeting and my home internet exceeded it's data cap overnight because Dropbox was pulling down terabytes of info while I slept. Third issue comes down to the cost for an agency like ours. Each client we add brings more storage needs and our pricing seems to be incrementally expanding. It's not like we exclusively use Dropbox as we use other services such as AWS, G-Suite, Send Anywhere, WeTransfer, etc). We're duplicating storage and file share costs across 5+ platforms and it's Dropbox that offers the highest cost with the least amount of return on investment.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Dropbox y en qué te beneficia eso?

When Dropbox works, it's great to have as an internal tool. Designers can create illustrations on their iPads and send them directly to Dropbox during a meeting where other artists can then collaborate. Additionally, we've got multiple client folders broken out with permissions so that we can add people to projects quickly without having to ensure they have all working assets (fonts, brand assets, presentations, etc).

Empresa (> 1000 emp.)
09 de diciembre de 2017
Clasificación general:
Nani N.
Jefe de ventas
"Escritorio bastante avanzado."
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Dropbox?

What I like most about Dropbox is the desktop version. Thanks to this version that took Dropbox I have been able to perform multiple functions without having to access the software of the web, I believe that this has brought a better synchronization and I have been able to upload important files of my company more quickly and more effectively, the truth the desktop version has represented a tremendous change in my entire company, since each of my employees has the web version and desktop, to maintain a better synchronization of their folders and files, I hope they never remove the desktop program, since apparently it has quite good and effective results.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Dropbox?

I do not like that this program has such high prices, if we see it from a point of view in comparison of price-feature, we will see that the functions of Dropbox are quite basic and that its strong point is the storage space so large that it has been offering, I consider that this program should lower prices so that more companies have the possibility of accessing all the full functions of the software and can value it, I hope this factor is accommodated as soon as possible so that my employees can enjoy more functions changing work plan.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Dropbox y en qué te beneficia eso?

This program has greatly benefited me because we have managed to save documents with enough content and confidential files of my company where only those who work in it can access it. This software has demonstrated that it can keep my files securely and thus keep my company in business. at a good point of constant improvement. I hope you continue to bring these benefits for a long time to keep saving and storing very heavy files.

Mercado medio (51-1000 emp.)
05 de marzo, 2019
Clasificación general:
Martin R.
Business Development Executive
"Mi forma favorita de almacenar y compartir archivos en línea"
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de Dropbox?

The design of Dropbox is pleasant and easy to work with. All the sections, folders and files are arranged neatly. I can use Dropbox for most files I work with on a daily basis, from documents and presentations to photos and videos. The price is quite reasonable and doesn't strain our monthly expense budget. The security has been great so far. It's also quite convenient to be able to access files from anywhere I have an internet connection.

¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de Dropbox?

There isn't much for me to complain about regarding the service itself, but since there are other online storage services that are priced lower, I'd say that the pricing is a negative mark compared to those services.

¿Qué problemas está resolviendo Dropbox y en qué te beneficia eso?

Dropbox gives me a way to store files right away from any computer or mobile device. I don't have to use storage space in my computer, external hard drives, thumb drives or phone. I don't have to carry around bulky physical drives to store large files. I can easily share and collaborate on files with others by allowing them access to certain folders. That has been more efficient than sending files directly to individual users.