Impulsando más del 43% de todos los sitios web activos a nivel mundial, WordPress es posiblemente el CMS y creador de sitios web más popular y utilizado por empresas de todos los tamaños en todas las industrias, desde emprendedores independientes, nuevas empresas, pymes y grandes empresas de Fortune 500. Tanto los usuarios novatos sin conocimientos de codificación como los desarrolladores web con mucha experiencia pueden beneficiarse de WordPress' larga lista de funciones que incluyen plantillas listas para usar pero personalizables, miles de complementos y complementos fáciles de instalar, funcionalidades integradas y personalizadas, y funciones sólidas de administración de contenido. Altamente flexible, WordPress promete a sus usuarios que nunca superarán su sitio web creado en su ecosistema, ya que es fácilmente adaptable a medida que sus necesidades comerciales crecen y evolucionan. WordPress también se puede descargar como una aplicación y está disponible para usuarios de Android e iOS, lo que permite a los especialistas en marketing y creadores de contenido administrar sus sitios web en todos los dispositivos. WordPress es posiblemente uno de los creadores de sitios web más grandes de la actualidad. Con WordPress, los usuarios tienen la opción de utilizar su alojamiento web o instalar WordPress' hospedaje propio. Este último permite a los usuarios diseñar y crear su blog o tienda en línea y acceder al complemento Jetpack para mejorar el SEO, así como la seguridad y el análisis. Dependiendo de sus necesidades, es bastante fácil configurar su WordPress sitio, y mantenerlo es aún más simple en esta plataforma. También tiene la opción de instalar complementos de terceros para agregar más funciones a su sitio web y aumentar la funcionalidad. WordPress ofrece un plan gratuito para cualquiera que quiera probar el servicio primero, pero si desea suscribirse, los planes comienzan desde $ 4 por mes para el plan básico.
Capacidades |
Segmento |
Despliegue | Nube / SaaS / Basado en web, Android móvil, iPad móvil, iPhone móvil |
Soporte | 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana (representante en vivo), chat, correo electrónico/servicio de ayuda, preguntas frecuentes/foro, base de conocimientos, soporte telefónico |
Formación | Documentación |
Idiomas | Inglés |
I like the customization, you can really make your site or blog look however you'd like. It's also super simple to use.
Sometimes when you change one thing, it will affect other things too.
I have a website through wordpress as well as a blog on that website and several tabs/pages.
WordPress is a cheapest website builder platform to run business online. No need to hire development agency to create your business online. Several option to create website and blogs immediately to start business. We can securely choose a domain name for business website at and select responsive template to show website content. All development process takes only few hours. We can create blogs to engage customers or online shopping website with the help of
It is based on plugins and themes so if you need to do any change than admin can do with out any permission. It gives drag and drop option to design website templates.
No hard work needed to develop business website. is secure and fastest platform to develop business website. It gives lots of advance features like meta tags updating, Theme changing, dynamic content change. In WordPress we can create separate website blog to share thoughts for customers. We can access our business website all over the world, No restriction for access business website. WordPress gives separate widget option to categorized multiple section in webpages.
It is easy to use, and it offers so many fun and useful customizations.
I honestly don't have any complaints, have been using it for years and will continue to do so!
I'm able to blog personally and help others create content, as well.
Easy to use if your coding ability is limited.
Plugins can easily become incompatible if Wordpress is updated. If your website is heavily based on plugins there can be issues.
I can easily create websites and they index in Google very well with the features Wordpress offers.
WordPress is best development tool using lots of plugin and themes. We can easily create a blog an website for business. It is secure and easy to manage business and client website. In WordPress No coding required to design website. We have to select a theme and need to little bit changes to develop a website. We can customize website any time and update content of website easily. It's tag option create a good role in SEO promotion. They ranked on google directly and provide good result for business.
No problems come in website designing and development. Only one issue we faced that it is not compatible for large website like a store. Otherwise good for business startup and blogs.
In our organization we created our business website in WordPress. For design work we just need to install theme and customize according to business requirement. WordPress is secure platform to create website. Some plugins are free and some advanced versions are paid. Free plugin gives limited access to customize. Maintenance of WordPress website is very low and owner can changes in content by self.
I love how easy this platform is for those who don't have a knack for coding. It's extremely user-friendly for everyday updates and I LOVE the preview option so I know something will look as I want it to before it goes live. It gives me peace of mind.
I tend to get a little lost in plug-ins and widgets.
Our website for both our regular branch and the educational website are using wordpress which helps us sell tickets online and inform.
I can make our website with WordPress easy and professional design.
The configuration of the website depends of the themes that some of the cases are not setting.
Create our website
WordPress is user friendly and so widely used that I am able to find templates and plug ins for any customization we might need.
I really am happy with WordPress. There is very little room for improvement. The only buggy thing I have noticed is that some things look a little different from different browsers. So if you have any issues, maybe try a different browser to see if it is easier to use.
Adapting to more online traffic in the Covid-19 situation has been so much easier with WordPress! Easy updates to our pages have cut down work time, and I love that I can make quick fixes even from mobile.
A través de WordPress tenemos desarrollados nuestros sitios Web y aplicaciones propias del negocio.
Que las versiones no son compatibles unas con otras, es decir que actualizo el sitio no es compatible con las otras
La eleboracion de mis sitios web, y toda la imagen y todo el SEO de las mismas.
A flexible blog platform with the opportunity to scale upwards if your blog grows bigger. Plugins offer other functionality depending on your needs.
In part because it's a free platform, it lacks the powerful plugin functionalities others have come to associate with WordPress pages.
A cheap way to test feasibility of various forms of content blogs is the perfect hub for our writers to build their stories. The ability to implement various elements of media and additional details such as rail sections makes the leader in the sector.
We have come across no downsides to using and it's been a largely reliable programme for us.
The ability to categorise and sub-categorise stories on has allowed for our audience to have a more user-friendly experience when they're looking for stories on our site.
It's easy to use, don't have to know how to code but you can change things if you want to.
There's some limitations there if you dont' know how to code or can't find the right plug-in.
Simple, quality website for my business. It looks a lot better than some of the "drag and drop" website hosts out there.
Very clean and neat layout of ways to edit and create pages
Sometimes it may glitch on adding certain graphics or other blocks
User friendly platform to help layout written and visual content
I like that it is so user friendly. I don't know much about coding or html, but this makes site makes it possible for me to create a blog without hiring someone else or taking a course to learn. I can't say enough good things about WordPress.
Nothing stands out. I guess it would be great if I were able to take some courses on how to use the more detailed and intricate parts of the site, but that would probably be something I would do on my own time.
I am able to run my companies entire blog site through WordPress. We are able to share the "behind the scenes" details about what's going on, without having to pay a hosting site to have our data.
All features are user friendly. I loved the CSS themes and templates for even a dumb to design a perfect website in minutes. The tutorials are really helpful. Paid tutorials are bomb. No one can say the website is not designed by professional. So professionals are making awesome websites.
It’s pricy. It’s bit pricy for consumers. For organizations its fine and one biggest issue is the media uploading . It takes ages if I wrote the content first and then add photos one by one. I have to upload media first. In many ways media uploading is slow on all networks.
All features are user friendly. I loved the CSS themes and templates for even a dumb to design a perfect website in minutes. The tutorials are really helpful. Paid tutorials are bomb. No one can say the website is not designed by professional. So professionals are making awesome websites. User friendly and helpful.
It’s like having your own newspaper column. Love the content availability and while design
Can be difficult to search exactly what you want due to so much content available
Great space to share new releases, media is great
I love that Wordpress lets you create pretty much anything you desire. I love that you can customize everything down to the spacing, padding, and line heights as well as add custom CSS for even more customization. I use the Bridge theme and I love it!
I wish for two main things: 1. That when I drag elements around on the backend of a site that they would stick instead of bouncing a hundred times! 2. I wish that I could create rows in 7ths or 8ths.
Wordpress gives me an easy platform to build and develop websites. As a web designer and developer who is just starting out, I am so thankful to have it!
Wordpress is the industry standard for creating visually appealing and stable websites. It provides a great tool for plugin implementation and a nice front end editor for real-time feedback.
I wish that the front-end editor included more support for plugins.
Creating websites and landing pages easily doesn't have to take weeks or even months to accomplish. is the best option for a blogging website who starts recently or plans to start soon. There are plenty of themes to choose from as well.
Templates are mostly for bloggers, not for startups (But there are few).
It is great platform to get started a blog, and for free !
Easy learning curve. Create website without coding. Very versatile platform
It was slow to load. admin features could improve. Not much about word press that I do not like
some plugins get out dates. many conflicts with plugins